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■Objective of Works

The objective of my art work is to express “Dynamism(En)*”
that connects meto the world through sensorial experience.

Dynamism(En)*= The meaning of ”Dynamism” and “En” isnear to my thought.
I use the word “Dynamism” as the philosopher Leibniz does.
“En” is a Japanese philosophy that is originated from Buddhism.
I adopt those words, assuming those words have both meanings
that are“Precessional Interaction” and “Fatality Coincidence” among all people,
all objects and all matters.


I complete my art works to express TheDynamism (En*) that occurs
in this world.
And I change materials and techniques depending upon circumstances
and the specific thingsthat I try to express.

Regarding my recently art works, I employ a three-dimensional net
as the model of The Dynamism. Because the world is made of
interactions by people, things, and matters that keeps crossing,
changing and expanding in time and space. Besides, The Dynamism
is observed by each observer bound by a single time line
and a single viewpoint. Observers would already find the Dynamism
through their sensorial experience in their life.

That is why I complete my art works built by knitting just one single
line and try to give people sensorial experience in a special
I expect sensorial expcerience in my art works to give you a new
perspective of the world in a beautiful manner.


In my experience, the connection between ourselves and the world
(outside our mind) is one to one, no matter how big the world is.
That is because the world is only our recognition that enables us
to integrate the world movement affairson our own so that
we could see the world as one.

But in fact, we usually see the superficial phenomena in the world
that remind us of our everyday lives.
Each of the phenomena has a name and is categorized, and,
of course, each of the categories has a name, too.
When you see the world as being made of these superficial
phenomena, you will feel the world is too big andtoo complicated
to be able to sense it easily.

But I do not believe that is true.
I can see the world movement as a living thing, and that everything
that moves in the wholeness of the world.
I also call these things “The Dynamism(En)”
This is the point I would like to make in the next work of mine,
hopefully with you.

■制作目的 Objective of works


■概要 Summary



■概念 Concept


